The final goals area to plan for in 2019 is your Professional and Personal Development.  This may relate to your job or business – what is it that you want to improve on?  Stop doing?  Start doing?  What studies, courses or books do you need to look at, so that you enjoy working/business most days? We can spend half our waking hours at work, so it needs to be inspiring, fulfilling or have self-worth, so you don’t have regrets later in life.

What personal development do you want to improve on, to help improve your personal life?  It may relate to you personally, or your marriage, or your kids, or your friendships.  Are there areas that you could improve by reading a book, a blog, doing a course, etc.  What is your WHY or PURPOSE in life?  And are you trying to live this way?

Part of my current personal development is reading a book on the 5 languages of love, so I can better understand my preferred love language and those close to me.  The five love languages are: i) Words of Affirmation; ii) Acts of Service; iii) Receiving Gifts; iv) Quality Time; v) Physical Touch.  Do you know what your preferred love language is, what your spouse’s is, or what your kids’ are?


By Pat Hoey